“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner
Bio Energetic Medicine
Life was considered to be a bio-electrical and vibrational energy phenomenon and so health revolved around balancing energy through various means. Life existed because of energy running through and animating the body, ensuring we can move, breathe, digest food, think and even feel. Disease is believed to be a blockage in the energy flow. A range of healing traditions, including acupuncture, acupressure and massage are founded on the principle of the existence of energy pathways, known as meridians running around the body in an expansive network. Our bodies are electromagnetic in nature and science has measured these frequencies with advanced machines like EKG’s and MRI scanning for many years. Numerous studies demonstrate these energy pathways and points conduct electricity even when needles or pressure are not applied. Yet science never believed in the existence of meridians until now. Recently scientists at Seoul National University confirmed the existence of meridians, which they refer to as the “primo-vascular system.” They say that this system is a crucial part of the cardiovascular system. The current Korean researchers now believe the primo-vascular system is in fact the physical component of the Acupuncture Meridian System. And it has also been suggested that this system is involved in routing the flow of energy and information relayed by biophotons (electromagnetic waves of light) and DNA. The Korean scientists studying oriental medicine with biophysical methods injected a special staining dye which colored the meridians. By injecting the dye onto acupuncture points, they were able to see thin lines. These did not show up at non-acupuncture point sites where there are no meridians. The researchers discovered that the meridian lines are not confined to the skin, but are in fact a concrete duct system through which liquid flows, and that this liquid aggregates to form stem cells.
Modern Bio-Energy Technology
So how is this relevant to what we do here at Life and Wellness Solutions? We now have the proprietary technology to stimulate and move this energy and restore balance using "Galvanic Skin Response". Not only are we now able to stimulate energy via GSR, but we can actually communicate with your body using what is called "Digital Signatures". Using these Digital Signatures we can know where the imbalance of energy is occurring and at what frequency does the pathway require to restore that specific energy connection. Once that energy connection is restored, your body and brain can now begin the healing and/or repairing process.
Electricity is everywhere, even in the human body. Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. The elements in our bodies, like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, have a specific electrical charge. To Learn more click on this link Our Bodies Electric
Disclaimer: Names of diseases or psychological disorders refer to energetic signatures only. Life and Wellness Solutions does not claim to diagnose, prescribe, cure, or treat any disease or psychological disorder. Life and Wellness Solutions offers techniques to balance bio-energetic systems and is not intended as a substitute for regular medical care.